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Daily Personalized Newsletter

Earth Catalyst gathers & hand-filters the most recent updates from over 1,000 green tech and sustainability organizations. Here are all of the updates; if you subscribe to our free newsletter, we'll send you 3 each weekday we think will be meaningful to you.

10/16/24 - Efficacy and Fractals

Writer's picture: Marshall KirkpatrickMarshall Kirkpatrick

I met two inspiring elders last night who talked about how they choose to work with the specific groups that they do because their leadership is effective at organizing and they offer a chance to think globally and act locally. May we all be so lucky as to find, and help build, effective teams doing work that fractals out into the major themes that need to be addressed globally.


I hope you'll find tips to support you in doing just that in the following three updates from organizations that are just for you, interspersed with a visual of the day and a quote of the day. (Yesterday the system recommended to me CGIAR's Women's network for environmental advocacy and climate resilience: a model for social innovation  and the network-mapping that group in Colombia was really cool!)


Email subscribers: you’ll find three updates from organizations that are just for you. You'll find the table of contents for the full set of 67 updates at the end of this post.

Ok, let's go!


-Marshall Kirkpatrick

Daily super-personalized email and strategic consulting based on two decades of tech startup trailblazing, now focused on green tech and sustainability.

Visual of the Day: Utilities Need to Do Much Better

Rocky Mountain Institute does a quarterly analysis of plans made by utility providers across the US. Anticipated demand is rising, but more from EVs and building electrification than from data centers and AI. RMI writes:

"In our current snapshot of [utility company] IRPs, we continue to see a gap between projected emissions, target emissions, and decarbonization pathways such as the International Energy Agency’s Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario (IEA NZE).


"Most decarbonization pathways, including the IEA NZE, find that the electricity sector needs to reach net-zero emissions by 2035. Unfortunately, utility company targets often aim for net-zero emissions by 2050, and often do not comprehensively cover emissions from both owned (Scope 1) and purchased (Scope 3) emissions."

Quote of the Day

We proved climate change in 1989 from McKibben and Climate One on YouTube

And now...

Today's Updates

Table of Contents

  • Agriculture (11 stories) - Gene silencing pesticides, AI farming, Conservation Stewardship Program expansion, Herenboeren's part-time farmer search, MCE Clean Energy's rural electrification, EU deforestation rules impact on Asian agriculture, MK-V electric tractor, agrivoltaics, and Terviva's pongamia cultivation.

  • Carbon (5 stories) - Washington's cap-and-invest program, Delton Chen's carbon currency, Climeworks' expansion, and Earth's weakening carbon sinks highlight evolving strategies and challenges in emissions reduction and removal.

  • Ecosystems (5 stories) - EU deforestation rules impact global trade; Live-EO promotes satellite monitoring; Brazil's exports under scrutiny; UNDRR emphasizes water management for climate resilience

  • Efficiency (4 stories) - Advanced heat pumps, campus steam upgrades, data center efficiency, and AI for urban climate resilience

  • Finance (3 stories) - Satellite analytics firm LiveEO recognized; Third Act partners with FreeWill for climate legacy planning; Banks urged to stop petrochemical financing

  • Grid (6 stories) - UK's cap-and-floor scheme for storage, US demand surge, gas dominance in swing states, utility plans fall short, lithium-ion limitations

  • Indigenous (4 stories) - Queer African Network founder empowers Pan-African LGBTQ+ community through personal wellbeing and advocacy

  • Industry (1 story) - Deep tech innovations: alternative hydrogen, power resilience, sustainable textiles, and plastics management

  • Policy (17 stories) - EU deforestation regulation, Third Act's voter outreach, Dominion Energy's fossil fuel plans, and Biden administration's climate initiatives highlight policy developments and challenges in climate action and energy transition.

  • Renewables (9 stories) - Geothermal breakthroughs by Koloma and Eavor; CalTestBed's clean tech cohort; California's 61% renewable milestone; European biomethane surge; North American wind repowering and solar PPA trends.

  • Transport (3 stories) - Battery Smart hits 50M EV swaps; Liminal raises $10M for ultrasound battery QC; Ljubljana travel guide for Hearth Summit


Gene silencing pesticides, AI farming, Conservation Stewardship Program expansion, Herenboeren's part-time farmer search, MCE Clean Energy's rural electrification, EU deforestation rules impact on Asian agriculture, MK-V electric tractor, agrivoltaics, and Terviva's pongamia cultivation.


Washington's cap-and-invest program, Delton Chen's carbon currency, Climeworks' expansion, and Earth's weakening carbon sinks highlight evolving strategies and challenges in emissions reduction and removal.


EU deforestation rules impact global trade; Live-EO promotes satellite monitoring; Brazil's exports under scrutiny; UNDRR emphasizes water management for climate resilience


Advanced heat pumps, campus steam upgrades, data center efficiency, and AI for urban climate resilience


Satellite analytics firm LiveEO recognized; Third Act partners with FreeWill for climate legacy planning; Banks urged to stop petrochemical financing


UK's cap-and-floor scheme for storage, US demand surge, gas dominance in swing states, utility plans fall short, lithium-ion limitations


Queer African Network founder empowers Pan-African LGBTQ+ community through personal wellbeing and advocacy


Deep tech innovations: alternative hydrogen, power resilience, sustainable textiles, and plastics management

  • 2024 Cleantech 50 to Watch (Cleantech Group) (Cleantech Group) - The 2024 Cleantech 50 to Watch list showcases deep tech innovations in alternative hydrogen, power resilience, sustainable textiles, and plastics management, reflecting a significant shift in cleantech priorities.


EU deforestation regulation, Third Act's voter outreach, Dominion Energy's fossil fuel plans, and Biden administration's climate initiatives highlight policy developments and challenges in climate action and energy transition.


Geothermal breakthroughs by Koloma and Eavor; CalTestBed's clean tech cohort; California's 61% renewable milestone; European biomethane surge; North American wind repowering and solar PPA trends.


Battery Smart hits 50M EV swaps; Liminal raises $10M for ultrasound battery QC; Ljubljana travel guide for Hearth Summit

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